I'm Suffering from Mumps (swelling in right Salivary glands) from last two days. It Appears in Sudden within few minutes. High temperature +Pain. I want to ask. is there any Cure of it or it will go away on its own
Salam, I'm 21weeks+preg suffering from a dry cough since a week it leads to cramps on my tummy sometimes it hurts a lot need, plus having itching from last night on the whole body with red patches
I would like to know on behalf of someone else Her daughter is 7 years old and has eyesight checkup Readings are minus 8 and minus 9 What does that mean? And will it get better with the use of glasses?
Asking for my father who was diagnosed with Buerger disease. Later infection occurred and now the doctor is recommending Amputation treatment. I want to know is this really the only treatment option available?
How many days earlier should Primolut N start to delay cycle for 10 days? My doctor has adviced me to take it after the 5th day of the last cycle twice a day. Isnt it earlier to start.? Or should I take it 10 days before my expected date of the period? Kindly reply
I have been under treatment for my blepharitis for about one and a half week. Now I don't feel like eating and lost weight. I also have tingling in my hands and arm, this come and goes. Is this something temporary because of my blepharitis treatment or should I visit my doc?
So I had my root canal done last Monday. I have my temporary filling on and had an appointment today which I couldn't go to. All of a sudden today a pain started in that tooth. Though I haven't really done anything out of the ordinary. Is this normal ?
My mother is using Doxazosin for her hypertension. But she says she feel dizzy when she stands after sitting for long time. Her weight has increased quite a lot. I am very concerned about her symptoms. Please suggest what she can go to get rid of these symptoms?
Any solution for dry eyes, can't open properly in sun exposure, feels dizzy and sleepy, eyes get tired after reading for some time, right eye is little bit blinking itself for past few days and gets ok after some rest.
My daughter is 15 years old. She is overweight and trying to reduce her weight. I am worried that she is reducing it in a poor way; Starving. I want to help her but she won’t listen to my advice. Any suggestion on how she can reduce weight in a healthy way?
My son's thumb got stuck in the car door. The thumb started to swell we gave him antibiotics which made the swelling better, after few days the nail started to get off and now half of his nail is gone, but there are no signs of the new nail growing under the old nail.Is it something to be worried about? Do we need to see the doctor or will the nail start growing after some time? Thank you.
I started to have muscle pain, tender joints and felt fatigue about a month ago. Then I could not sleep properly. So, I visited my GP he said it was Fibromyalgia. I have taken the prescribed medicines for a week now but my condition is not improving much. Was I diagnosed properly or should I visit some other doc?
I am a female 25 years old. I was previously working in Shifts, then got a new job where I work day time only. Now it has been about a month that I have severe, pounding headaches every day. Panadol helps but I am worried of overly using it. Can you tell what could be the reason/s, as I thought it would go away as I adjust to my new job?
I am a type 2 diabetic, and for last 4 days im having a low blood sugar episode. I wake up from nap in afternoon and my blood sugar had dropped to around 80. My fasting blood sugar is usually around 110. After I ate something and started feeling better, I get bad diarrhea. Is it somehow linked to my low blood sugar? I am currently on GLUCOPHAGE and thyroxine,
My daughter has had recurring vomiting and stomach cramping intermittently since the last eight months. It states 'There is matting of the ileum, but this is non-specific. A granulomatous disease should be entertained. The mucosae of the jejunum appear normal. The radiological findings are consistent with a non-specific matting of the ileum'. I am not sure what all of this means and the tests do not appear to provide a conclusive diagnosis. Please help
It has been almost a 1.5 month that I am feeling tensing (Khichao) not pain like headache in my head that starts from exact middle of the head and goes to the left side of the head towards the neck (including neck on left side). Same feeling on the face on left side including nose. Not on any Medication. What would be possible cause?
Going through PRP for hair loss (4 sessions done) Can both foment plus hair lotion and miso serum be used? Or only one thing should be used? And how much time these medications take to show good results generally?
Hb 11.Peripheral film is normal. Fatigue. No other symptoms of anemia and as peripheral film is normal. It’s not anemia. How to raise Hb to normal? I have a history of Hyperlipidemia and cholecystectomy 4 years back
I can't eat anything as I don't feel hungry. Then I use trimetabole syrup. It works but now I'm 6 weeks pregnant. I don't want to eat anything. At first it was all right but suddenly my hunger disappeared. That's why I feel weakness. Can I use trimetabol syrup in pregnancy?
Skin type is oily and sensitive. Use Rivajs' sun block spf 90 and Fairy & lovely BB only. Few days back, White heads begin to appear on face and leave scar when peeled off. Tried Drmolin and then Fammy ointment but it seems it has side effects. Kindly guide to remove scars, pits and white heads.